The Legacy is an HOA housing edition located in south Oklahoma City near SW134th St. and May Ave.
Legacy neighbors, you are invited to join the "official" Facebook Group that is exclusive to The Legacy residents. This is in addition to the existing page that is privately ran by residents. This new Group is not replacing the existing one, its simply a new contact resource for the HOA Board post important information in Admin roles and remain in control of future Boards. Please request to join the Group which is the same name as our email and website
The Legacy HOA is promoting a neighborhood-wide Garage Sale April 18-20th. We have received numerous requests from Legacy residents to do this so take advantage of these nice days and clear out your attics and "junk drawers"! We have been contacting food trucks to be in our neighborhood in efforts to piggy back this as a Legacy community type event as well.
Here are a few things you need to know:
1 - We cannot purchase the mandatory Garage Sale Permit for you.
2 - If you do not have an ideal "garage" to host a sale or live in the Gated section (not allowed there), please contact us for alternative community areas you can set tables up at during the sale. You may also ask a neighbor friend if you can partner up.
3 - The role The Legacy HOA is playing is limited to organizing, promoting, street signage and getting at least 1 food truck here. Residents are responsible for all other aspects including following garage sale rules which you agree to at the time of purchasing your permit.